Makers faire is in 3 days. One hand is now hennad.
This took entirely too long.
I am naturally left handed, so part of my issue was I drew this with my non-dominate hand. A necessity for pro henna artists is non dom henna.
Tomarrow will be faster, more detailed and more my usual work because I will be using my prefered drawing hand.
Every year the Makers Faire takes place at Union Station. Union Station always has a special exhibit. This year is the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Since Egypt has a history with Henna, I wanted an Egypt themed booth, and of course, hrnna desisn.
The past few days have been spent looking at collars, sarcophagus, wall carvings. The patterns meld pretty decently with henna.
Anyhow.... more work...
Wow - that's impressive for your non-dominant hand!